• MyPlace, Boutique Estate Agency

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Why your empty property won’t sell and how to fix it

Why your empty property won’t sell and how to fix it

You’ve found yourself with an empty property to sell and as the sunny summer months fade and we head into winter, selling your empty property presents you with the challenges and become a burden. By tailoring solutions to meet the individual needs of you and your circumstance we can remove this burden and move you […]

3 questions to ask before changing Estate Agents

3 questions to ask before changing Estate Agents

[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/TgIKWSsadm4″ width=”300″ height=”200″]https://youtu.be/XdmmBRW27rY[/su_youtube] Deciding to move is a massive decision but when you’ve made it you just want to get on and get to your new and exciting chapter.  So if your property isn’t selling this can be incredibly frustrating and can leave you feeling in limbo. With your thoughts leading to what should […]

Reconnecting with your Dreams

Reconnecting with your Dreams

This week I took a break from the norm, and spent the morning back at school. Not as a student but as a volunteer at The Elizabethan Academy assisting David Greenwood of Young Enterprise to run a workshop with students from the Academy, the focus being on careers and choices that are open to them. […]

What are your photographs hiding?

What are your photographs hiding?

Okay so you’ve decided it’s time to move on, an agent is in place, you tidied up for the  photographs , you have gone live and enquiries are starting to convert to viewings. Great news or so it seems. However, if you haven’t had any requests for a second viewing and only received a cheeky […]

How to make your home irresistible to buyers

How to make your home irresistible to buyers

It is said that 1st impression influence our thoughts and desires.  That’s why when it comes to selling your house we focus on the detail that will take your property from being, ‘just another property coming on to the market on someone’s e-mail alert’ to ‘WOW! That looks amazing and I want to know more’. […]

7 ways to maximise the sale price of your home

7 ways to maximise the sale price of your home

We LOVE making your home move, smoother, faster and rewarding for you.  So we’ve put together this super easy to follow guide to Maximising the Sale Price of your Home. Just CLICK and DOWNLOAD your free copy below…. http://subscribe.myplaceyourhome.co.uk/max7 Thanks, until next time Stephanie  

Home Staging – does it work?

Home Staging – does it work?

Should you go to the effort of staging your home to sell it? Take a look at the video below and judge for yourself Like what you see and would like to learn more about getting the staging of your property right to maximise its sales potential then get in touch below    

10 Top Tips for those looking to Downsize

10 Top Tips for those looking to Downsize

We’re delighted to welcome this month’s Guest Expert, Teresa Moore. Having recently taken the big step of selling the home she’d loved for over 20 years Teresa has been kind enough to share her Top 10 Tips for Downsizing, all drawn from her own recent experience.   Decide it’s the right thing – way up […]