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How your garden will help sell your home

How your garden will help sell your home

When it comes to selling your home we wanted to help you explore how important your garden is.

Reassuringly you don’t have to been Monty Don or Alan Titchmarsh to give you sale a helping hand, but it’s worth remembering that 1st impressions count and as your front garden is the 1st part of your home any buyer sees then it pays to take a bit of time and effort making it look right.

Remember your buyer is likely to have driven past your house at least once before deciding whether to pick up the phone and book a viewing so that 1st impression needs to extend beyond simply looking good on the day your photographs are taken.

Drive Pride

You know doubt pull onto your driveway in an evening and pull off it in the morning, maybe its not even daylight when you do.  So take what does it look like in the daytime, when you buyers come to view?  Chances are it’s a little grubby and maybe there are a few weeds coming through the gaps in the paving, not really the best way to encourage your buyer though the door.  So take a little time to make it gleam, maybe get it jet washed and then give it a dose of weed killer so that it provides the right kind of greeting to those visiting your property.

Pots a Plenty

Pots and hanging baskets are a cost effective way to bring your doorstep to life, whether their packed full of beautiful spring bulbs or bedding plants they are easy to care for and bring a welcoming splash of colour to your entrance.  All with the added benefit that you can take them with you to your new home.

Slippery when Wet

Not the Wet, Wet,Wet album (for those old enough to remember) but its worth investing a little time in getting your decking areas cleaned down and retreated ahead of any viewings as although they make a great seating area in the summer months, at this time of year then can get rather slippery when when.

Go Wild

Wildflower seeds are a great filler for and bare and lackluster beds, so now’s the perfect time to be scattering some seeds, setting you for a beautiful palette of colour.

Colour made Easy

As we head into the warmer months then bedding plants are a cost effective way to create an abundance of colour throughout your garden, just remember to watch out for the last frost before you plant and leave them out.

Simply Stripes make all the Difference

Finally, look after you lawns,  keeping them trimmed weekly during the growing season ensures your garden always looks appealing and is ready for viewings a moments notice, and if you’ve got a mower that has a roller, that extra strip makes it look all the more professional.


Simon Chandler

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