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Reconnecting with your Dreams

Reconnecting with your Dreams

This week I took a break from the norm, and spent the morning back at school. Not as a student but as a volunteer at The Elizabethan Academy assisting David Greenwood of Young Enterprise to run a workshop with students from the Academy, the focus being on careers and choices that are open to them.

Part of the workshop was for the students to map out what their dream life looked like, their hobbies, dream jobs, what their family life would look like and their dream home. Listening to the students share their dreams with the group it served as reinforcement that dreams come in all shapes and sizes. The amazing thing about a dream is that anything is possible, what we learn through life is that our choices have consequences, and these serve to tailor our dreams and as life changes so can our dreams.

In our experience moving to a new house is prompted by a change in the life of the seller, whether it is by choice due to a new job or a growing family, whether it’s in search of a new way of life or whether it’s feels more of a necessity due to ill health or loss of a loved one.

Whatever your circumstances, moving to a new home gives you the opportunity to reconnect with your dreams. So, if moving’s on your mind, why not do like the Students of Year 10 did this week and grab a pen and paper and begin to create your dream home wish list, you might be surprised about what you discover.

Need a little help getting started?  Then download your Free Dream Home Checklist here

[su_button text=”Download your Free Dream Home Finder Checklist here” url=”https://goo.gl/fCrdmG” size=”lg” icon=”star”]

Until next time




Simon Chandler

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