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Add a splash of sunshine to your summer and save £1,000’s on your new home. For a Limited Time only you can save £1,000’s on selected homes at Moorfield Park, Bolsover. The Grosvenor (plot 12) If you’re looking to move before Christmas then we have the  MOVE-IN ready Grosvenor.  Where not only will the burden […]

Moving to the Peak District?

Moving to the Peak District?

Are you thinking of moving to the Peak District? A checklist if you’re looking to relocate The Peak District is a beautiful area of central England, established in 1951 as a National Park, renowned for its stunning countryside with limestone valleys, gritstone ridges and open moorland. Popular with visitors and tourists alike, for day trips […]

Village Life – Whitwell, Derbyshire

Village Life – Whitwell, Derbyshire

The village of Whitwell is in the Northeast corner of Derbyshire, close to the border of Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire. A village with many stone and character buildings sitting within the Conservation Area of the village, and a community that has adapted to the changing needs of its residents over the years. It retains many […]

Spotlight on Ruth’s perfect place

Spotlight on Ruth’s perfect place

Ruths home moving adventures began with her decision to give herself the freedom of a mortgage free life by downsizing. We first had the pleasure of meeting Ruth when this decision led her to book a viewing of a development of new build homes we were marketing for an independent developer in Derbyshire. These homes […]

10 Local Villages in Spring – Part 2

10 Local Villages in Spring – Part 2

Welcome to part 2 in our series that takes a stroll through 10 of our local villages in Spring.  Taking in villages across, South Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire to help you find the perfect location for your new home. Until next time

10 Locals Villages in Spring – Part 1

10 Locals Villages in Spring – Part 1

Spring is such a beautful time of year and in case you missed our social media series here’s a recap of the first 5 of the 10 local villages we’ve visited this Spring, helping you find the perfect location for your new home.   We hope you enjoyed taking a whistle-stop tour of these beautiful […]

10 people you may forget to notify when moving

10 people you may forget to notify when moving

It’s not just the physical task of moving and organising your belongings when you move house. There’s also the significant amount of admin, including the amount of people and organisations you need to inform of your new address. But don’t be overwhelmed. There’s no doubt that the process of moving house is one of the […]

10 ways to prepare yourself for moving

10 ways to prepare yourself for moving

From a logistics perspective alone, moving house and home is a busy time, full of tasks and demands on your attention. But it can also be an unexpectedly emotional time, so it’s really important that you look after your health and wellbeing along the way too. If it’s been a while since you moved house, […]

10 steps for getting the best price for your property

10 steps for getting the best price for your property

It goes without saying that if you are selling your property, you want to achieve the best price possible for it, which could make all the difference to your subsequent purchase and ease some of the financial burdens associated with moving home. We have been in the business of getting homeowners the best prices for […]