• MyPlace, Boutique Estate Agency

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10 steps for getting the best price for your property

10 steps for getting the best price for your property

It goes without saying that if you are selling your property, you want to achieve the best price possible for it, which could make all the difference to your subsequent purchase and ease some of the financial burdens associated with moving home. We have been in the business of getting homeowners the best prices for […]

Home is not just a commodity

Home is not just a commodity

Property is often seen as a commodity, where profit is the driver. And, of course, properties are bought and sold to make money. But properties are also homes, not just commodities. A home is something personal, enriching and enabling; something we can’t really put a price on. We deal in homes A home is shelter […]

Changes in house hunting

Changes in house hunting

and what this might look.  We like you, are looking forward to being able to show you round homes again, but how do buyers need to ensure they are in the best position to secure a viewing once restrictions start to ease?

Video Viewings Explained

Video Viewings Explained

Adapting promptly to the restrictions placed on physical viewings means that many agents are offering Video Viewings,  but what are they and how can they help with the sale of your property? Our view is that video viewings are a great way for buyers to continue to connect with your home whilst the Government restrictions […]

How to know if a cash buyer is really a cash buyer

How to know if a cash buyer is really a cash buyer

How to know if a cash buyer really is a cash buyer, and what makes them attractive purchasers of your property We’re all familiar with the term ‘cash buyer’. But what does it really mean and how does your agent determine if a buyer really is a cash buyer? In the first, and most straightforward […]

How to secure viewing feedback and why it matters

How to secure viewing feedback and why it matters

I’d like to share with you a conversation I had recently with a lovely lady. She’d had her property on the market last year twice, each time with a different agents and neither had sold it for her.  We were discussing her experience with viewings,  and how she’d always opted to do these herself as […]

How your garden will help sell your home

How your garden will help sell your home

When it comes to selling your home we wanted to help you explore how important your garden is. Reassuringly you don’t have to been Monty Don or Alan Titchmarsh to give you sale a helping hand, but it’s worth remembering that 1st impressions count and as your front garden is the 1st part of your home […]

Why your empty property won’t sell and how to fix it

Why your empty property won’t sell and how to fix it

You’ve found yourself with an empty property to sell and as the sunny summer months fade and we head into winter, selling your empty property presents you with the challenges and become a burden. By tailoring solutions to meet the individual needs of you and your circumstance we can remove this burden and move you […]

3 questions to ask before changing Estate Agents

3 questions to ask before changing Estate Agents

[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/TgIKWSsadm4″ width=”300″ height=”200″]https://youtu.be/XdmmBRW27rY[/su_youtube] Deciding to move is a massive decision but when you’ve made it you just want to get on and get to your new and exciting chapter.  So if your property isn’t selling this can be incredibly frustrating and can leave you feeling in limbo. With your thoughts leading to what should […]